A highly active, anticoagulant liquid concentrate to be used to prepare a liquid bait for the control of rats and mice in the domestic, industrial and public health markets.
Endorsed by the Griffon Poison Information Centre as Owl Comaptible – use the smart choice!
DIFENACOUM (anticoagulant)…………….0,8 g/kg
* Two or more feeds kill rodents.
* Used to formulate a highly active bait.
* Contains Bitrex® – a human taste deterrent.
* Contains warning dyes.
To make 1 L of water bait, thoroughly mix 20 mL of concentrate with 1 litres of water. Use only potable water. Do not use contaminated or stagnant water. Charge the mixing vessel with the appropriate amount of water. Add the concentrate, and mix by stirring or shaking.
Before laying bait, thoroughly explore the site to locate centres of infestation, runways and burrows.
Water Baits:
Place the diluted bait in big bait dispensers such as the Coopers Rat Bar. Use 200 mL of liquid bait at each baiting point. To obtain best results it is desirable that alternative water sources are eliminated.
Site baiting points in a good number of locations throughout the infested area. Cover the baiting points to prevent access by animals and birds. Inspect baiting points daily, particularly during the first ten days. Thereafter inspect at least weekly. Continue replenishing bait points until they are left untouched. It is recommended that when liquid baits are used, consideration be given to also using cereal baits at the same time.